5 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hello. My mom is legally blind and has to use a magnifying device to read with. The paperbacks are so much easier to hold (book one hand, magnifier in the other). I purchased The Healer for a Christmas gift and she has fell in love with your writing and could not put it down. She wants me to order more books but I’m having trouble finding all of a series in large print paperback. Do you have any suggestions on where I could purchase these? P.S. Thank you so much for serving God with the talent he has blessed you with. I love them also!


    • Hi Leetta,

      I’m so happy your mom loves The Healer. Thank you for your purchase. Unfortunately, I have no control of the font size in my books. That’s on the publisher. However, I will suggest they do more in large print.

      Wish your mother well for me,



      • Large print books don’t have large enough print.
        The only way to read larger print is to read ebooks checked out from your local library or wherever and adjust the font size.

        I have to do this for my 96 year old bedbound husband who also has magular degeneration in one eye and is blind in the other from when age 13 and farmi.g with a mule.

        Ebooks on overdrive will go up to about a size 36 font.

        There are also audio ebooks.

        The other option is apply to a blind library loaning system and see if they can provide the machine that translates the book into a larger print on your desktop or laptop.


  2. I just had to tell you what your Heavenly Daze books have done for me. Your storytelling is so charming! And the angels! I got warm shivers all over when Gabe rescued Bobby and Brittany from the cold. I can’t wait to read the next installments, so please don’t stop writing about these charming characters. By the way, I read books only from Overdrive online libraries. Keep up the good work, and God Bless!


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